"All great people of the world have tried to realise the truth and to live by it in terms of love and compassion. They have tried to : Understand themselves (human being) Understand the underlying harmony in nature, in existence They have tried to understand the role of the human being in nature, in existence, to live by it, and to develop an equitable and just society which ensures the wellbeing of all For all such great people, we have a deep feeling of gratitude."

This effort on Universal Human Values (UHV) is in continuation with that tradition of self-enquiry, for the wellbeing of all :

Our efforts are towards evolving an effective and universally acceptable content and methodology for introducing human values in the present mainstream education, which is a long-felt need.

The content is in the form of proposals for self-exploration (it is not a set of do's and don'ts). The content is universal, rational, verifiable, all-encompassing, and humane (leads to harmony).

The methodology involves the discovery of the inherent harmony and co-existence in Existence (right understanding) and the role of human being in all aspects of living (human conduct) through self-exploration.

The right understanding forms the basis for universal human values and facilitates transformation toward a holistic world vision or the ‘human consciousness’.

The issues in professional ethics are analyzed in the context of right understanding with the main focus on the development of ethical competence in the individuals, in contrast to an approach of enforcement of professional ethics through incentives and punishments.

The target is not just personal transformation to human consciousness, but also the transformation at the societal level to a humane society.

  1. It draws upon universal essence of these explorations.
  2. It is put forth as proposals for self-exploration on one’s own right.
  3. It is a systematic study of the harmony – from individual to family, society and nature/existence.
  4. It is a proposal about the natural laws, about the reality, as it is – in a way that anyone can explore and understand it on their own right.
  5. It follows a process of self verification, on the basis of one’s own Natural Acceptance, leading to self-confidence and self- evolution.
  6. It encourages students to discover what they consider valuable. Accordingly, they are able to discriminate between valuable and the superficial in real situations in their life.
  7. It enables the student to discover and understand the innate value of human being in every aspect of life (individual, family, society, nature/existence), reinforce the commitment and courage to live accordingly.

Playlist 1: About UHV

Playlist 2: Views on UHV

Playlist 3: Participant Feedback