Universal Human Values Material for School Education
“The purpose of the education system is to develop good human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion and empathy…, with sound ethical moorings and values. It aims at producing engaged, productive, and contributing citizens for building an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as envisaged by our Constitution. Education must develop not only cognitive capacities... but also social, ethical, and emotional capacities and dispositions…. Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development… A holistic and multidisciplinary education would aim to develop all capacities of human beings – intellectual, aesthetic, social, physical, emotional, and moral in an integrated manner” [NEP 2020, p 4].
Holistic education inculcates the following three aspects in the student:
- Holistic, Humane Vision of Life – harmonious individual to cosmos
- Human Values– human feelings, participation based on holistic vision
- Skills– required to live with these values in mutual relationship at all levels of human existence
This page contains details of activities and courses that can help develop a holistic, humane vision of life and human values in school students.
Text Books (core content)
Class 9
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Course Textbook (Class 9) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - पाठ्य-पुस्तक (कक्षा-9)
Class 10
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Course Textbook (Class 10) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - पाठ्य-पुस्तक (कक्षा-10)
Class 11
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Course Textbook (Class 11) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - पाठ्य-पुस्तक (कक्षा-11)
Class 12
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Course Textbook (Class 12) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - पाठ्य-पुस्तक (कक्षा-12)
Work Books (hands-on activities)
Class 9
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Workbook (Class 9) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - अभ्यास-पुस्तिका (कक्षा-9)
Class 10
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Workbook (Class 10) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - अभ्यास-पुस्तिका (कक्षा-10)
Class 11
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Workbook (Class 11) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - अभ्यास-पुस्तिका (कक्षा-11)
Class 12
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Workbook (Class 12) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर - अभ्यास-पुस्तिका (कक्षा-12)
Teachers’ Manual
Anand Sabha – Towards Bliss with Universal Human Values – Teachers’ Manual (Class 9-12) HINDI
आनंद सभा - सार्वभौमिक मानवीय मूल्यों से आनंद की ओर – शिक्षक मार्गदर्शिका (कक्षा-9-12)
Videos (on YouTube)
School Workshop (Playlist of 35 videos)
a. Feedback of Participant "Vijayata"
b. Feedback of Observers